Thursday, August 18, 2016

My Olympic Dream . . . Gold Medal in Storytelling

Oh my, I can't believe time goes by so fast, it seems like just a few years ago I was watching little men in top hats choreograph dance moves at the Olympic opening ceremonies in London . . . in a blink of an eye I'm watching some of the greatest athletes in the world compete in Rio de Janeiro!

It was the usual cast of characters but with the addition of Simone Biles I'm inspired to train to be a gymnast also since I have already mastered swimming and running.
But just when I didn't think I could get any more inspiration from the Olympics I found a new source of inspiration and he shined even after his event was over.
Talk about a life lesson that could stay with me forever.  
I will always remember him as the person who taught me the art of the Tall Tale and I really put it to work tonight. 

I really wanted to go to City People's to buy something, anything really, so I told Daddy they were giving away free gold there.

Yep, now I'm feeling like I just won a Gold Medal, even if the place was closed by the time we got there.
I'm not saying there wasn't the possibility that City People's was giving away free gold just like Ryan Lochte might have been held-up.  It is just all up to interpretation.  

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