Sunday, May 3, 2020

Calming Myself With Ivar's Comfort Food

Daddy is determined that we get out and have adventures even if we are going to have to be careful.  Bike rides seem great in principal but all of a sudden we needed to get lunch.  Fremont seemed like the logical destination but when we got off the Burke-Gilman Trail everything seemed set-up to remind me that we are in the midst of a Pandemic.

It was too much for me!  I just wanted to get back to something comforting that will always feel like home to me!  I'm not even 10, this is all very concerning for a child!

Oh the normalcy of the Ivar's Fish Bar and a warm bowl of Chowder even if we had to go to a secluded park as a precaution.  Thank you Mr. Haglund, you probably never expected in 2020 how important you seafood would be to a little Boy!

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