Daddy decided that it was time that he took me to Gas Works Park. Oh my did I have fun!
Such a panorama of the city that is my hometown!

And the run down the hill was wonderful also. Especially meeting a new friend, "Meeko".

My only complaint is that some of the play equipment was more designed for Daddy to be climbing on than me. It wasn't particularly age appropriate for me yet. I still thought the barbed wire was a bit excessive though. I respect that this is play equipment for adults. I wont go climbing on it until I am older.

After Daddy had a long talk with some tourists about the actual location of the Houseboat in "Sleepless in Seattle" we celebrated another Seattle institution when we visited our friend Ivar for some fish and chips.

I know, I know, the sign told me to "Keep Clam" but it had been an active day and I was hungry! Ivar would have understood.
Now if you thought the day couldn't have been more of a celebration of all things Seattle, Daddy read me The Wheedle on the Needle before my nap.

Oh, did I mention it was lightly raining the entire day also!
What a celebration of my town.